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Mevcut web siteleri veya online mağazalar için, aynı zamanda ajanslar ve/veya bayiler için saatlik ücretlendirmeyle hizmetler sunuyoruz.

Bu, mevcut web sitelerinde basit düzeltmelerden, uzantıların programlanmasına veya yeni uygulamaların veya web uygulamalarının geliştirilmesine kadar çeşitli hizmetleri içerebilir.

Çalışanlarımız aşağıdaki teknolojilerde deneyimli programcılar/geliştiricilerdir:

– Web Entwickler (.net / PHP / JS)

– Appikations Entwickler (Flutter / MAUI)

– Datenbank Spezialisten

Unsere erfahrenen Senior Developer, mit mindestens 5 Jahren Berufserfahrung, stehen bereit, um Ihr Projekt zum Erfolg zu führen. Wir bieten attraktive Konditionen, insbesondere bei umfangreichen Projekten oder langfristiger Zusammenarbeit. Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, um ein individuelles Angebot mit speziellen Konditionen zu besprechen, die auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind.

Excerpt from our projects

School management

Easy management for teachers and students

School Project

Profile link and
Breadcrumb bar


overview page
with statistical


Central collapsible
menu bar


  • Code Igniter (PHP)
  • mySQL
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Javascript


  • Teacher database
  • Student database
  • Class overview
  • Payment overview
  • Calendar function

Student database

Used for creating/editing and archiving student data.

All fields captured here are filterable in the list view, used for filtering out birthday celebrants, dietary preferences for meal orders, type of care, class enrollment, and much more.

Filterings can be combined and set arbitrarily.

School Project
Student data

Student registration form

School Project
Calendar function

Schedule of teachers

Teacher database

Used for creating and editing teachers’ information as well as scheduling their classes.

Logistics software

The application, programmed for a fertilizer handling facility, is used to track where the fertilizers are going and for what purpose, as there are strict regulations from the government regarding this.

Etik Uslu Lojistik

Logistics Software

Customer: Handling facility for agricultural fertilizers

Location: Turkey

Technologies used: mySQL, PHP, C#

Purpose: Handling of individuals and trucks coming to pick up fertilizers

Logistics Software

Reading the truck license plate upon entering the premises and determining the driver’s status (authorized/not authorized)

Checking in the system if there is a pre-order and approval for picking up the goods

Etik Uslu Lojistik
Etik Uslu Lojistik

Logistics Software

Transmission of data from the gatekeeper to the logistics center for loading coordination

Recording in the system whether self-loading was done or assistance for loading was provided

Logistics Software

Exit checkout; Self-loaders only need to confirm receipt of the goods with their signature, while recipients of loading assistance either need to pay directly (receipt will be generated automatically) or take the receipt with them, but they also need to confirm the receipt.

Etik Uslu Nakliyat

Association administration

The application is used for the administration of all operations in an association, in our case for a Fenerbahçe SK club.

Fenerbahçe App

Club APP

Customer: Fenerbahce SK Verein

Location: Austria

Technologies used: mySQL, PHP, Javascript

Purpose: Management of membership fees, income/expenses, meetings, minutes, club administration

Club APP

  • Capture of member data
  • Capture of paid fees
  • Interface for reminders via WhatsApp and SMS
  • Mass emails to members
  • Access to upcoming events
  • Contact with officials
Fenerbahçe Project
Fenerbahçe Project

Clup APP

  • Monitoring of all incoming and outgoing funds
  • Determination of the current financial situation
  • Determination of the expected financial situation
  • Access to meeting minutes

Clup APP

  • Multilanguage support
  • Recording of all actions – detailed log
Fenerbahçe App

Interface programming OXID JTL WaWi

Synchronization of the local WaWi with the multinational OXID shop

Samsun Solaryum Post Tasarımı

Customer: Steel industry (10/2018 – 06/2019)

Location: Germany

Technologies used: OXID, Git, Composer, PHP, mySQL, Bootstrap, LESS, C#, JTL WaWi, SQL

  • Database synchronization MS SQL <-> mySQL
  • Price regulation for the differently supplied countries
  • Assortment control for the different countries
Oxid to Wawi
Oxid to Wawi

Our client is a third-generation steelware production company. Until now, they managed their product lists (around 150 categories with over 6500 products) using Excel, Word, and other tools. With the digitalization and expansion into multiple markets, along with the increase in online sales, they found it challenging to manage their product lists using traditional methods. Therefore, they entrusted us with the task of integrating and synchronizing their internally implemented JTL merchandise management system with their online shop multiple times a day. We developed a Windows desktop app that facilitated the synchronization of both databases in both directions. Furthermore, we filtered out specific product groups and either restricted their availability or adjusted their prices for certain countries.

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